An attack against LGTBIQ+ people is reported every four days in Catalonia

An attack against LGTBIQ+ people is reported every four days in Catalonia An attack against LGTBIQ+ people is reported every four days in Catalonia

LGBTIphobic attacks reach historic highs in Catalonia: 25,8% are against trans people

En Catalonia, the attacks recorded in 2024 by Observatory against LGTBIphobia have reached historic highs: 318 incidents recorded by the entity since there are data, of which 25,8% have been against trans people. This is explained in the X-ray published this Monday by the entity. This represents 4,9% more than in 2023 and 34,1% more than in 2022.

While it is true that the increase in cases may be good news, because there are more and more victims who dare to denounce and report what happened, the president of the entity Eugeni Rodríguez, says that public policies are failing.It is not a priority in Catalan politics. We need human resources, personnel and prevention policies, especially in schools. Hate is the prelude to hate crimes.", he has defended.

According to the type of victims, men gais They are the ones who report the most incidents, practically half, and in second place are the trans people, especially women, who are the 25% of the total victims who have come to the observatory.

Discrimination occurs mainly in the street and public spaces (30,1%) or in nightlife venues (12,3%).What worries us is that discrimination at work is already equal to that which occurs on the Internet and social networks. It is alarming.", has said Rodríguez. Both accounted for 28 cases this past year. A 15% of boys aged 18 to 24 years considers "reaction» homosexuality, according to an ICPS survey.

The physical aggressions They are the first type of discriminatory acts that those affected have reported to this entity, one in four of the total. They are followed by displays of hatred and exaltation (22,6%) and verbal aggression (18,9%).

74% of discrimination is concentrated in Barcelona

An attack against LGTBIQ+ people is reported every four days in CataloniaBarcelona city and its demarcation is the territory where most discrimination occurs, 74,5%, although 12% occurs through the Internet, social networks or virtual spaces. In the capital, it is worth highlighting the districts of Sants-Montjuic, Eixample and Ciutat Vella, the three where most cases are recorded.

From 2014, the Generalitat has a sanctioning regime to report and fine people who discriminate against the group LGTBIQ +But only one person has been fined this year: the city councilor Ribera d'Ondara who said that the homosexuality was a cancer. "Sanctions must be a reality, we need more. More economic resources are needed to assist victims and repair the damage. Today, there are none.", complained Rodriguez, who next week meets with the general director of LGTBI of the Generalitat and office technicians for non-discrimination.

Rodríguez He also insisted that the aggressors of people LGTBIQ + are increasingly younger. "Hate speech is taking hold among the youngest, we also see it in voting intentions. We need to prevent and avoid it because this is a social failure. We cannot act punitively with 15 or 16 year olds, we must convince them that hatred and violence is never the way forward.«, Has highlighted Rodríguez, which has especially called for the sensitivity of the administrations to combat this discourse.

An attack against LGTBIQ+ people is reported every four days in Catalonia


Sources: El PeriodicoEl PaísSearch

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