Homophobic aggression in Alicante: they beat up a minor shouting "maricona" and "transformer"

Homophobic aggression in Alicante: they beat up a minor shouting "maricona" and "transformer" Homophobic aggression in Alicante: they beat up a minor shouting "maricona" and "transformer"

The young woman has reported that she was attacked in Alicante by about 10 minors who insulted her and punched her in the mouth and face

Edurne, a minor under 15 years of age, has denounced the aggression suffered this Monday afternoon in an urbanization of San Vicente del Raspeig, a Alicante . There, a group of minors has dealt her a brutal beating shouting “fagot"And"transform".

The minor has told what happened in her account Instagram, where he has denounced that he has been suffering this type of insult for years: “For people who don't know me, my name is Edurne Gallego Muñoz, I'm 15 years old and this afternoon, around 7, they attacked me ", began by explaining the minor.

"I was on the skate with my girlfriend, they insulted me, they followed me, they came for me as soon as they saw me because people are very bad because as soon as you get out of the ideals that you have in mind, people go after you and attack you”, confesses the minor.

homophobic slurs

"I was quietly with my friends and 10 children came to insult me ​​with homophobic insults such as: "faggot" "transsexual" "transformer", he continues. At that moment, the minor tried to ignore the insults and let it pass to see if they would stop, but on the contrary, they went further. “One of those 10 children jumped the fence of the urbanization thus opening it to all his friends and letting them pass and starting again to insult me ​​and disrespect me when at no time had he done or said anything to them”, Explica.

"Things started to get worse when someone wanted to steal my girlfriend's electric scooter, which we were not going to let him do, and my girlfriend pushed him away because we saw that he was taking it. After a minute he gets very close to my girlfriend and she pushes him away from her with her foot just in case, until she slaps me in the face", write.

When reacting after receiving the punch and pushing the aggressor, the rest of the minors pounced on her: “Five children began to beat me, punching me in the mouth and face, leaving me in these conditions”, he shares, along with a photograph in which his face is completely bloodied.

Edurne: “Don't be afraid to feel or want".

After those blows came the final shot with the aggression of one of the children, who punched him in the nose. “I hope I can find you because these things are not right to do and more because of something homophobic, sexist, gender violence, and group violence., laments the minor. "This aggression has been basically due to my way of dressing, masculine, my short hair, my tastes regarding sexual orientation," she explains. “With this I want to tell people not to be afraid of these things, there will always be someone who tries to sink you and hurt you".

In conclusion, Edurne asks anyone who suffers something similar not to hesitate to report it: “If they do something to you, you go directly to the police and file a complaint. Do not be afraid to feel or to love”.

Homophobic aggression in Alicante: they beat up a minor shouting "maricona" and "transformer"

Sources: Antena 3Telecinco

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