Goodbye to Leo's "curse"

Goodbye to Leo's "curse"

He died in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Leopoldo María Panero, member of the Panero family, who participated in the famous film The disenchantment, by Jaime Chávarri. Madrileño, poet, transgressor, homosexual… Leopoldo studied Philosophy and Letters, a career he abandoned in the second year in protest against «formal knowledge» and «without connection». Militant of the anti-Francoist left, is the author of most radical poetry of recent times.

Much of his life passed between psychiatric institutions. At the age of 19 his mother, Felicidad Blanc, admitted him to the Hospital Clínico de Madrid with the intention of "Cure" his homosexuality and drug addictionas he had caught his son smoking a hash joint. That led him to marginalization and scandal, eventually entering prison for 4 months for The Law of Vagos and Maligners of 1954, in the times of Franco. The writers Vicente Aleixandre y Carlos Bousoño they testified in his favor at the trial, but their help was of no use. Leopoldo explained the experience: "What happened there I do not want or my worst enemy, although in the end I have a good memory because I threw myself in half prison " .

We hope that the author of This is how Carnaby Street was founded Theory, Heroine and other poems, among others, finally find the peace he lacked in life. We will always remember his writing genius, tender but cruel, exciting and damn:

"Beyond where life still hides, there remains a kingdom, it remains to cultivate as a king its agony, to make flourish like a kingdom the dirty flower of agony: I who prostitute everything, I can still prostitute my death and make me corpse the last poem. "

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