# 8M: Feminist revolt. With rights, without borders.

8M # 8M: Feminist revolt. With rights, without borders.

We fight for women to own our bodies, our desires and our decisions, so that sexual dissident people, especially trans women, stop suffering aggressions and multiple violence, and for a society that respects and values ​​functional diversity, sexual diversity, and diversity of identity and / or gender expression

Gayles.tv/Comision#8M.- We demand that the macho violence as a matter that concerns the State and the whole society. There are 18 women killed this 2020, 99 who were killed in 2019 and 1046 since there are records, with 32 complaints a day in Spain for sexual assault and abuse, Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the different causes and dimensions of sexist violence, ending all those that we suffer daily and that become invisible or normalize in all areas and vital spaces, whatever our age and condition ( home, work, public spaces, couple, family, work environment, society and state institutions). We also point out and denounce the sexual violence that affects us even more markedly to women in a situation of vulnerability, such as migrated women, domestic workers, women with functional diversity, guardianships and women with mental health problems that suffer violence leaving their rights unprotected. We want to move freely in all spaces, public and private, and at all hours and denounce the patriarchal justice that does not consider us full-fledged persons and that wants us docile, submissive and quiet.

We fight for women to own our bodies, our desires and our decisions, so that sexual dissident people, especially trans women, stop suffering aggressions and multiple violence, and for a society that respects and values ​​functional diversity, sexual diversity, and diversity of identity and / or gender expression. Our bodies are not merchandise or objects to be reified and used as a claim, and our life processes are not diseases. We also demand the eradication of any type of obstetric-gynecological violence that is exerted on women. We demand that abortion be outside the Criminal Code and be recognized as a right of women to decide on our body and our motherhood, and that the autonomy of women 16 and 17 years of age to decide be respected. We also demand that its performance be guaranteed in public health services. Finally, we want to denounce the punishment that falls on us for our diversity, for our age, for being migrated and for being racialized, for having functional diversity or an image far from the normativity.

But all of the above will not be possible if we do not break the sexual division of labor that condemns us to precariousness, labor discrimination and the lowest paid, unpaid, invisible and illegal jobs. We claim that our employment situation allows us to develop a vital project with dignity and autonomy; and that employment is adapted to the needs of life so that pregnancy or care cannot be subject to dismissal or labor marginalization, nor should they undermine our personal or professional expectations.

We fight for a labor market that is based on real equality, because the jobs we are able to access are marked by temporality, precariousness, uncertainty, low wages, unwanted part-hours, the wage gap and a glass ceiling. We demand alternatives for migrant workers in an irregular administrative situation. We also demand the pensions we have earned, not more misery pensions that force us to suffer poverty in old age. We ask for co-ownership of pensions and that the time dedicated to care tasks or that we have developed in the field, be recognized in the calculation of pensions as well as work in the labor market and we fight for the ratification of Convention 189 of the ILO that regulates domestic work. We want the value and dignity of the domestic and care work that women perform, and the rights of those who perform them, to be made visible and recognized, so that co-responsibility is assumed by all men, society and the State. Care work must be recognized as a social good of the highest order.

As feminists, we firmly oppose wild neoliberalism that prevails as a unique thought worldwide and that destroys our planet and our lives. The women have a primary role in the fight against climate change and in the preservation of biodiversityFor this reason, we are firmly committed to the food sovereignty of the people, we demand that the defense of life be at the center of the economy and politics, and we support the struggles that lead women who defend their lands, their wisdom and resources of their peoples, even risking their lives, threatened by extractivism, transnational corporations, and free trade agreements; against old and new forms of exploitation. We are antimilitarists and we are against wars, which are the product and extension of patriarchy and capitalism for the control of territories and people, and because the direct consequence of wars is millions of women refugees worldwide, women that we are being victimized, forgotten and violated. We are against the authoritarian and repressive states that impose gag laws and criminalize feminist protest and resistance, and position ourselves against the discourse of the extreme right that has placed women, migrants, racialized and LGBTIs as a priority objective of their offensive ultraliberal, racist and patriarchal.

We are anti-racist because we are part of a diverse, multicultural society, with a trajectory of coexistence of different people and cultures for centuries. That is why we are also against the Aliens Law and the walls that rise in our country and we are going to break with the borders, racism and xenophobia that crosses and crosses the whole society, so that no woman has to migrate forced by the policies colonial, neo-liberal and racist countries of the Global North, which produce unsustainable economic, war, social and environmental situations. We demand the welcome of all migrated and refugee people, for whatever reason, because we are free women in free territories. We demand that our rights as women be guaranteed, and we believe in a world where nobody dies at sea, without walls, or wires, or fences, or concertinas, or CIEs, or racist raids, because no human being is illegal.

To achieve that other possible world we need lay societies, where education has to be the key. We demand that the feminist perspective be transversal to all disciplines and at all levels; an education free of heteropatriarchal values, as well as the Affective-sexual education is contemplated in the school curriculum and is comprehensive, free of sexist, capacitist, racist and LGBTIphobic stereotypes. An emotional-sexual formation that allows us to develop in diversity, without fear, without complexes, without reducing ourselves to mere objects, thus avoiding macho or LGBTIphobic aggressions in the classrooms.

We are an international and diverse movement and we are preceded by a long genealogy of feminist struggles, that is why we also remember the suffragists, the trade unionists, all those who made the Second Republic possible, those who fought in the Civil War and for the Revolution Social and against the Franco dictatorship suffering a repression directed and specific by the fact of being women; and all this without forgetting that feminist memory has the power and responsibility to connect us with the genealogies of the struggles of those who precede us, making visible what has historically been made invisible from a patriarchal perspective.

And we propose another way of seeing, of understanding, of being in the world and of relating. In short, we propose a new common sense.

We know that we must keep moving forward. We know each other strong and continue fighting.



8M Map



Source: towardslahuelgafeminista.org

Interactive map: made by @ireirenuka y @studyprecarious



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