5 Books with gay protagonists

5 Books with gay protagonists

We have asked LGTB + librarians to make their own selection for this Book Day.

GAYLES.TV.- For the next April 23 the assistant library technician Ruben Solé, from Joan Miró Library from Barcelona, ​​proposes 5 readings with gay protagonists. This is your selection: Japanese comic, novel, poetry or children's literature. Luckily we already find stories in all genres that can serve as references.

Happy Book Day! Feliç Sant Jordi!

Thanks to the librarians for filling their libraries with books and stories that respect diversity.


An opinion on "5 Books with gay protagonists"

  1. I wanted to recommend the book «The long distance runner» a gay love story in the 70's !! one of the best books I have read in my life, and that helped and inspired me a few years ago to recognize my homosexuality 🙂

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