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VIDEO GAYLES.TV | The kick-off of the cultural program of the Barcelona City Council in commemoration of the 40 years of the first manifestation LGTBI, but also of remembrance and vindication, has been the artistic installation «Molt love for you»(« Much love to do ») which can be visited in the Plaza Real de Barcelona. The visual proposal, made by Ricard Martinez, is an approximation to the more than 40 years of pride and liberation LGTBI. This installation is composed of three large volumetric structures covered with several photographs of the demonstration, and important moments in the struggle for the demands of the LGTBI collectives. The images have been provided by Colita, Xavi Mestre and José Romero.
we interviewed Laura Pérez, Councilor for Feminismes and LGTBI of the Barcelona City Council, Armand de Fluvià, heraldist and historical LGBT activist, Oriol Nolis, journalist and presenter of the act, Empar Pineda, feminist activist, Ricard Martínez, Xavi Mestre y Andreu Agustín, Coordinator of the Municipal Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity of the Barcelona City Council.
Online TV
I fail to understand how systematically gayles.tv omits that the first manifestation was organized by the FAGC.
The reference to the FAGC can be seen in all the generalist media and in the interventions of the President of the Generalitat.
What is the reason for your omission?
What is not understood is the need to question LGTBI media such as Gayles.tv without contrasting data. I am transcribing here a fragment of the text «40 years going out to the streets» «On July 1, Barcelona's Ramblas were once again the scene of the fight for sexual freedom. 40 years after the first LGTB + mobilization in the State organized by the Front d'Alliberament Gai de Catalunya in 1977, some of those present remembered with pride what those years of struggle and activism were like ”. And we could cite other texts. The only systematic thing is not being able to see the forest and staying in the trees on the edge. Please, before criticizing and slandering, let's check what we write. Thanks.
What I can not understand is that after four years and more of 1000 publications, this is the only comment you can think of.
Eugeni Rodríguez, you know perfectly well that we did not omit that the first demonstration was organized by the FAGC, as the Gayles.tv team reminded you earlier:
Another example: https://gayles.tv/w021/comunidad/barcelona-se-manifiesta-40-anos-despues/
And I would find many more ... and not counting the many interviews that we have carried out with you.
On the other hand it bothers me that try to control what it is that publishes or not a means of communication. Do you do it with all the media?
I would like to know what is the deep reason of your comment, Eugeni, when we want we talk about it.
Maria Giralt (director of Gayles.tv)