28J: That the firecracker does not take away the political

28J: That the firecracker does not take away the political 28J: That the firecracker does not take away the political

International Pride Day is marked by the rise of the right that puts LGTBIQ+ rights in check

Troubled times are coming. Who has ever put the body to defend the rights LGTBIQ + he smells it, he knows it. 28J. We are celebrating and we are claiming; is not incompatible. Because if something unites the collective it is the firecracker attitude, the party, the glitter and feeling like a minority. Knowing that you are threatened These last days they have been in charge of leaving little crumbs so that the most alert can join the dots.

As soon as a tiny headline in a local newspaper that publishes the attack, threatens to kill the Trans Law, some insults in the institute, I veto the Minister of Equality, an inspector censoring the breasts of Rocio Saiz en Murcia, some flags hanging in naquera, the Valencian courts led by an ultra-Catholic anti-abortionist who denies gender-based violence, posters that throw away our flag, small glimpses of what will arrive like a tsunami shortly.

An uncomplexed right

The extreme right does not hide. The right dances the water. And the people who voted for them are responsible for what happens to us. Of the rights that we will lose if the right and extreme right win, rights that cost so much to conquer. They mock our fear and outrage because we give them even more visibility. They expand exponentially and the more brutal the attack, the more revenue they get.

The media have campaigned on them, giving them a voice, buying their frame of mind. Populism is winning the game. According to the latest survey of CIS about post-pandemic social and affective relationships, 9% of the Spanish population feels part of the collective LGTBIQ +. Around three million people with the right to vote. Defending LGTBIQ+ rights, women's rights, the rights of immigrants, is defending human rights and shows the values ​​of a society.

This 28J go out to defend pride, have fun and vindicate. But don't forget to do the same 23J.

28J: That the firecracker does not take away the political

Sources: El País

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