Balance of a 2024 in which LGTBIQphobia does not cease and the rights of LGTBIQ+ people are reduced while the far right lurks
The year 2024 has been a period of progress and challenges for the community LGTBIQ +, marking historic milestones and facing significant setbacks in various parts of the world. We have witnessed a tense political and social environment, where activism LGTBIQ + has had to fight against initiatives that seek to limit basic rights. However, the commitment and resistance of the community continue to be a source of transformation. We leave you with 24 news items that have marked this turbulent year.
The jury finds four of the five defendants guilty of the murder of Samuel Luiz and notes homophobia
The jury has found three of the defendants guilty of murder with treachery in the murder of Samuel Luiz: Diego Montaña, who started the attack; Alejandro Freire, alias Yumba; and Kaio Amaral. Alejandro Míguez, the last person arrested and the only man who was not in prison, has been convicted as an accessory to murder, while Katy Silva, Montaña's ex-girlfriend who was accused of preventing the victim's friend from helping him, has been acquitted.
Police officers who murdered Marielle Franco sentenced to 78 and 59 years in prison
On March 14, 2018, City Councilwoman Marielle Franco and her driver, Anderson Gomes, were murdered in Rio de Janeiro, a political crime that shocked the country and left a long history of impunity. On Thursday, a court sentenced two former military police officers, Ronnie Lessa and Elcio Queiroz, to 78 and 59 years in prison, respectively, in a trial that many consider historic.
One year in prison and 5 years away for insults and threats to a transsexual woman in Soria
"Faggot, whore, you have a dick, you are that bitch who cheated on me." These are some of the words uttered by the aggressor to a transsexual woman in Soria for which he has been sentenced to one year in prison after it was determined that these acts constitute a crime against fundamental rights.
Lesbian boxer Cindy Ngamba, Refugee Team's first Olympic medal
Cameroonian boxer Cindy Ngamba secured her refugee team its first ever Olympic medal on Sunday by qualifying for the semi-finals in the -75kg category after defeating France's Davina Michel.
During their visit to Iceland's glaciers and volcanoes, they discussed a number of topics, including homosexuality.
Not a single effective sanction for carrying out conversion therapies in Spain
Seven regional laws and one state law prohibit conversion therapies in Spain, but there has not yet been a single sanction.
Nine out of ten trans people hide their gender identity in at least one area of their life
The results of the first report on the health of trans and non-binary people in Spain are clear: the majority have hidden who they are in some area of their lives out of fear. The study reveals that 10% have encountered professionals in the health field who consider them sick.
The European Commission warns of the rise of LGBTIphobic bullying in Europe in a report
Cases of harassment suffered by LGTBIQ+ people, or at least those who self-identify as such, have multiplied in recent years. The European Commission's annual report on the implementation of the equality strategy for the period 2020-2025 detects a "considerable increase in hate-motivated harassment against LGTBIQ people", which rose from 37% in 2019 to 55% last year, that is, an increase of 18 points in four years.
78% of LGTBI people suffer discrimination at work
78% of LGBTI people have suffered some type of violence at work and 40% have hidden their orientation to avoid it, according to the latest data from the ongoing survey carried out since last year by UGT "to give visibility to normalised violence against this group in the workplace".
Russia declares the LGTBI movement a terrorist organization
Russian authorities on Friday added the banned LGBT movement to their list of terrorist and extremist organisations, which could lead to the freezing of bank accounts linked to the group. The measure could lead to sentences of up to ten years in prison for financing the group.
LGBTIphobic bullying, a pending issue
According to a UNESCO report, 54% of LGBTIQ people have experienced bullying at least once due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or variations of sexual characteristics, according to a survey of more than 17.000 children and young people aged 13-24. The survey also showed that 83% of students had heard negative comments towards LGBTIQ+ students at least sometimes, and 67% had been subjected to negative comments at least once.
One in four LGBT+ people from Generation Z has suffered LGBTIphobic bullying
One in four young people from the LGTBI community, aged between 18 and 24, has been the victim of hate crimes during their school years. In addition, in almost seven out of ten cases, 64%, the educational centre where they studied did not take any action. These data come from the State of LGTBI+ Education Report 2024, prepared by the State LGTBI+ Federation.
The Vatican dictates that sex change violates dignity
The Vatican condemns transsexuality in a severe document approved by Pope Francis, which once again takes a regressive turn from its recent openings. The Vatican confirms its doctrine against sex changes, gender theory and surrogacy. In an expected document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Holy See has published this Monday a list of what it considers “serious violations” of human dignity, condemning these acts at the same level as abortion or euthanasia, always criticized by the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis: “There is already a lot of faggot” in the seminaries
Pope Francis said during a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops that he would not allow homosexuals into seminaries because “there was already too much faggotism” there, as reported by the Italian press and confirmed by several bishops in the country.
Express negotiation to have LGTBI equality plans in companies
LGBTI equality plans in companies will become a reality "very soon", but not before March 3, as mandated by the so-called LGBTI trans law. The Ministry of Labor, unions and employers held this Tuesday the first meeting of the table that must develop the regulation to guarantee the equality of the LGBTI community and its protection in the workplace, as well as equal opportunities in employment.
The big doubts of companies about the LGTBI+ trans law
On March 2, the deadline for companies with more than fifty employees to implement action protocols to achieve real and effective equality for LGBTI people ended. This is established by the law, published in the BOE on February 28, 2023, and which came into force on March 2 of the same year.
Trans Memory Law registered in Congress, calling for benefits for those repressed by Francoism
The law, promoted by the Trans Platform Federation, seeks to demand recognition of the harm caused to trans and LGTBI people by the Spanish State, both during the dictatorship and in democracy, and puts on the table reparation for people who had to suffer persecution, prison and torture simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It also provides for a pension for people over 65 without family responsibilities.
Thailand's king signs legalisation of same-sex marriage
Thailand is planning to host mass weddings on January 22, when the country's same-sex marriage law will come into force, after receiving the backing of the Royal Family yesterday. Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn signed into law changes to the civil code on Tuesday that effectively legalise same-sex marriage.
Germany approves gender self-determination law
In Germany, the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, approved a law on Friday that will make it easier to change one's name and gender identity on official documents. This decision was promoted by the parties of the government coalition and welcomed by the LGBT community.
Greece approves equal marriage
Greece thus becomes the 20th country in Europe and the first Orthodox Christian country to allow same-sex couples to marry.
PSOE deletes Q+ from the LGTBIQ+ acronym
The PSOE has decided to remove the Q+ from the acronym LGTBIQ+ and prohibit the participation of people of "male" biological sex in women's competitions. It has done so at the request of classical socialist feminism, to eliminate references to the term 'queer', the umbrella that covers sexual orientations or gender identities beyond lesbians, gays, transsexuals and intersexuals.
They have left us
Catalan filmmaker Ventura Pons dies
Film director, screenwriter and producer Ventura Pons has died at the age of 78. He filmed more than thirty feature films and produced another thirty. His long career in defence of Catalan cinema was recognised in 2007 with the Creu de Sant Jordi and in 2015 with the Gaudí d'Honor.
Silvia Reyes posthumously receives the Medal of Honor of Barcelona
Barcelona City Council has posthumously awarded one of Barcelona's Medals of Honour to trans activist Sílvia Reyes, for her activism dedicated to the recognition, visibility and dignity of the LGBTI community. Reyes passed away last May at the age of 76.
Roberta Marrero, artist, writer and LGTBIQ+ reference, dies
Roberta Marrero, a multidisciplinary artist who gave voice and images to the LGTBIQ+ movement in Spain, left us at the age of 52 in Madrid, according to the publishing house Continta Me Tenemos on their social networks. “Without words but with the need to tell you, with our utmost respect and love, and above all, from our pain, that Roberta Marrero has decided to leave,” said the statement they made public.