2015, the most trans

transgender 2015 Gayles.tv 2015, the most trans

GAYLES.TV.- For better and for worse, 2015 will go down in history as the year in which the transsexual collective broke all the closets to make their reality visible to society. Men and women who have come out of the catacombs of cliché and prejudice to claim a space and an identity that belongs to them.Lelah Alcorn Gayles.tvor right own.

Unfortunately the year began and ends with two victims of transphobia. The 5 of January we published the news on the suicide of Leelah Alcorn, a girl from 17 years who took her life for not being able to accept living in a body that did not correspond. She did not even have the support and understanding of her family. Alan shared age and experiences with Leelah, he was fortunate enough to have the family on his side, but it did little to cope with incomprehension, aggression, insults and ridicule, ultimately the bullying he suffered in his environment school and 24 decided to end his life last day.

In spite of this, it has also been the year in which the acknowledgments of public figures have multiplied Caitlyn Jenner, the media superstar, Kardashian clan member and Olympic medalist who announced his new identity in a big way through his Twitter account and a cover in Vanity Fair that is already historical.

With less impact on the media but equally important was the step taken by Angela Ponce, who represented Cádiz in the contest Miss World Spain 2015 becoming the first Spanish transsexual woman to participate in a contest of these characteristics. The model not only did not hide her transsexual condition, but she told her story on social networks to serve as an example while actively supporting the fight against the transphobia of children and adolescents through the Daniela Foundation.

But if there is an am.time-magazine-laverne-cox Gayles.tvwhich has contributed dramatically to the visibility of the trans collective is that of the series and films. At the head is undoubtedly "Transparent", the series that tells the story of a transgender father of a family who decides to leave the closet and face his new identity as a family. His protagonist Jeffrey Tambor who won among other awards the Golden Globe for Best Actor, dedicated the award to the entire transsexual community.

Of course we can not forget the recognition of Laverne Cox by the magazine "Time" by including it in the list elaborated in 2015 on 100 personalities more influential in the public life.

Even the Spanish fiction in series had its trans milestone in "The One Coming" when Álvaro, the son of the Recio, returned to the transformed home in Alba, a trans protagonist who gives life Víctor Palmero and that it is expected to have continuity in the next season.

But it is on the big screen where a title has managed to bring the audience not specifically LThe Danish girl Gayles.tvGTBI the transsexual theme. We are talking about "The Danish girl", the film starring Eddie Redmayne, which chronicles the life of artist Einar Wegener, a pioneer in undergoing gender reassignment surgery to become Lili Elbe.

But beyond the cinema and celebrities, demonstrations of a transsexual nature have multiplied. From the child who "rapped" his identity, to the delivery of documentation according to his gender sense to minors. Spaces won for recognition, visibility and empathy.

As a society we should neither tolerate nor accept, it is not about that, we should simply respect and enrich ourselves with all the great and good that transsexual people can bring to our life together.

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