15D: Historic demonstration in Madrid for the defense of LGTBI rights against Vox

15D: Historic demonstration in Madrid for the defense of LGTBI rights against Vox

The proposal of the extreme right to repeal the LGTBI Laws will be debated in the plenary session of the Assembly on December 16

The collective LGTBIQ + and opposition parties in the Region of Madrid have shown their strength to fill the streets of the capital in a manifestation against the repeal of the LGTBI Laws what did you propose Vox and it will be debated on December 16 at the Assembly of Madrid. The concentration, called for December 15 at 19:30 p.m. in Madrid Puerta del Sol, its main objective is to demonstrate that the rights LGTBI they are not negotiated. PSOE, More Madrid y We can They have already shown their support and have explained in statements to this medium the seriousness of the situation.

Last October Vox in the Madrid parliament he registered his proposal baptized as «Comprehensive Equality and Non-Discrimination Law", in which proposed to completely repeal the laws that currently protect the collective LGTBI. They registered it in the middle of the negotiation of the region's budgets for 2022, which they recently approved.

«We want to see if the president Isabel Díaz Ayuso wants to stand out Madrid because it removes rights like Hungary or as Poland or wants to highlight it because it is an open and inclusive community that welcomes all people«, Has maintained the spokesman LGTBI of the socialist party, Santi Rivero, while showing his surprise because Vox activate the debate of this initiative once they have agreed with PP push budgets forward.

In turn, the Government of the Community of Madrid has not positioned itself on these regulations after being activated but has warned that they do not agree to repeal the laws of LGTBI current. They are committed to reforming some specific articles, such as the one that includes the reversal of the burden of proof.

«Our rights are not negotiated. Not a step back »

The reaction of Take up It has been immediate and in their networks they have already announced the call for the demonstration of the next December 15: "We will occupy the streets as many times as necessary until it is clear that our rights are not being negotiated. For all those who stayed on the road fighting for our dignity. Our rights are not negotiated!«.

And it is that the setback of rights LGTBI is alarming in all Europe. These are difficult moments for the collective since the rise of the extreme right is destroying the advances that so many years of struggle cost. The «free zones of LGTBI ideology«. You have to closely observe the reactions and actions that the European Commission, but as the motto of the demonstration says «Not a step back«. The time has come to defend our freedoms because achieving rights is a long and arduous fight. And then they eliminate them with a stroke of the pen.

15D: Historic demonstration in Madrid for the defense of LGTBI rights against Vox

Sources: PublicThe PluralelDiario.es

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